SARBOT: Sarsılmaz's new prototype robot dog

Sarsılmaz Deputy General Manager Öner Özyılmaz introduced the company's new robot dog named SARBOT and made statements about the company's 2023 vision at SAHA EXPO 2022.

Speaking to Defensehere about Sarsılmaz's new prototype robot dog, Mr. Özyılmaz said the following:

"We are introducing our new robotic systems with SARBOT, here at SAHA EXPO. This is our 2023 vision at SARSILMAZ.

Because with the UAVs we had a really good impression around the world with defense industry and now its time to step up with the Land Forces with these robotic equipment.

We are proudly introducing SARBOT with this first prototype but two different teams are working together both in Ankara and Istanbul to develop all software, all servo motors, and all mechanical equipment on this robotics system. And we will introduce three different size of these robots hopefully next year.

We will work together with our law enforcement forces in the field to define their requirements for the shooting scenarios. Because all those software and mechanical equipment will lead their requirement at the end of the day.

That is why we are together working with our field at the battles. The world is changing mostly for unmanned fighting systems so its in the air, its in the land. And the world is changing with this concept. So, we at SARSILMAZ, which we make the first steps in Turkey, now introducing SARBOT with this concept."

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