Saab to provide support and maintenance services for Swedish Gripen aircrafts

Saab and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) extended a contract to provide support and maintenance services for Gripen. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 1.6 billion for the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022. Saab has booked SEK 1.5 billion of the order value in Q1.

The contract covers performance-based support and maintenance of Gripen and is an extension of a previously signed contract in May 2017 with FMV.

The contract includes support and maintenance services essential to aviation operations with Gripen. The contract covers, for example, design and support, component maintenance, the provision of logistics, technical system support, publications, spare parts, repairs, ground support equipment and pilot equipment.

“With this extension Saab will continue to provide support for the effective operation and availability of Gripen. It is essential for us to constantly develop our support concept by implementing innovative solutions and this contract gives us the possibility to do so together with our customer,” says Ellen Molin, Head of the Support and Services business area within Saab.

The work will be carried out at Saab's facilities in Linköping, Arboga, Järfälla, Gothenburg and Östersund.


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