57th T-129 ATAK delivered to Turkish Armed Forces

Deliveries of the T129 ATAK offensive and tactical reconnaissance helicopter to the Turkish Armed Forces produced by TUSAŞ are continuing.

Prof. Dr. Ismail Demir, 57, announced on his Twitter account the delivery of the T129 attack helicopter to the Land Forces Command.

Demir's Twitter account included the following statements::

"We have handed over 57 of our T129 ATAK helicopters, one of the most effective elements in the fight against terrorism, to the Land Forces Command. We will continue to bury the terrorists in their graves! Everything is for the homeland."

SSB Chief Demir had said in May that the delivery of the T-129 attack and Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopter had been delayed due to coronavirus.

Within the scope of the ATAK program, total 91 units of the Turkish ground forces, 59 of which are definite and 32 of which are optional, and a total of 27 T129 attack helicopters, 24 of which are definite and 3 of which are optional, are planned to be delivered to the interior ministry.

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerine 57. T-129 ATAK teslim edildi


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