The TEBER-35 UKK of FNSS operates effectively in the most difficult combat conditions

Produced by FNSS, the TEBER-35 UKK (Remote Controlled Turret) is designed with the latest propulsion system, fire control and firepower technologies to achieve maximum durability.

Thanks to its sensors and other electronic systems, the TEBER-35 UKK can effectively operate day and night, in all kinds of bad weather conditions and combat environments.

It stands out as a turret system developed to be integrated into wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, equipped with a medium caliber automatic cannon, and remotely controlled by the gunner and commander through the gunner and commander control consoles in the vehicle, which has an advanced target detection and fire control system.

FNNS üretimi TEBER-35 UKK, en zor muharebe koşullarında etkin şekilde görev yapıyor

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