Leonardo highlights its security culture through its Cybersecurity Skill Academy pledge

Leonardo is the first European company to commit to the Cybersecurity Skill Academy, a European Union initiative designed to bridge the current cyber skills gap and promote the creation of a future generation of cyber experts.

In September 2023, Leonardo joined the Cybersecurity Skill Academy, a European Union project that coordinates all existing cyber skill initiatives so as to bridge the talent gap within the sector, while simultaneously boosting the competitiveness, growth and resilience of the EU. The initiative was launched in view of a predicted shortage of 500 million cybersecurity experts in the coming years.

The pledge undertaken by Leonardo envisages the provision of cybersecurity training projects, some based on experiential learning, that focus on two distinct areas: the corporate sector, with cyber awareness and introductory courses for ongoing professional training, and the educational sector, with events aimed at young students through the Young Cyber and Security Academy.

Cyber Shield The [R]IoT is the first initiative undertaken by Leonardo as a pledger, organised in occasion of CSET 2023 (Cyber Security for Energy & Transport infrastructures). An interactive competition, based on the ‘Capture the Flag’ game, that served as a team exercise to enhance the skills of cybersecurity personnel. The teams faced different simulated cyberattack scenarios, covering a wide range of threats and giving participants the ability to respond promptly and effectively in the real world. Teamwork, knowledge and collaboration: these will be the distinguishing traits of future professionals.

Two additional events are already on the launchpad. In the first, journalists from the Lombardy region will participate in security awareness course, which will provide credits for their compulsory professional training. The second is a basic cybersecurity course*, to be held November 21-22, 2023, open to individuals and corporate groups that will analyse a range of crucial issues, including current and future scenarios, and will enable participants to explore simple attack techniques on the field. This global approach will ensure that participants gain a holistic understanding of the essential elements of cybersecurity.

The Young Cyber and Security Academy, instead, was established to involve Italian middle- and high-school students in a forum on the impact digital risks have on their lives: cyberbullying, social networks, revenge porn, identity theft, breaches of electronic records, and the Internet of Things. The project will be accompanied by Gli Irregolari del Web’ (Web Mavericks), a 12-episode web series.

Leonardo's Cybersecurity Skill Academy pledge further confirms its commitment to spreading a culture of security and promoting the skills needed to tackle the risks of digitisation, while leveraging the professional opportunities that it offers.

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