Repkon Production Technologies website is online

The website of Repkon Production Technologies is now available. Thus, the products, services, solutions and capabilities offered by the company will now be accessible more easily through the website.

REPKON Production Technologies company currently manufactures rocket-missile engine bodies from 70 mm diameter to 480 mm diameter with critical flowforming technology. The production of 40 mm rifled barrels, ammunition racks and shafts is also among the company's capabilities.

Rotary symmetrical parts made of steel, aluminum, titanium, inconel materials with high precision values, which are used especially in the aerospace and defense sectors, are produced on RFM series Flowforming machines developed by REPKON.  With the advanced flowforming techniques it has developed, REPKON has opened new ways for new applications in many industries and has localized many products and systems that are subject to embargo with export licenses.

Uğur Cem Gürpınar was appointed as the General Manager of Repkon Production Technologies in April 2023. Uğur Cem Gürpınar, who has been responsible for Business Development, Corporate Communications and Sales at Repkon for 8 years, previously worked at the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries and STM.

You can find the website of Repkon Production Technologies here: Repkon Production Technologies

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