Türkiye's technology hub: Teknopark Istanbul

Teknopark Istanbul has published a video that stresses its vision and aim.

The video contains below sentences:

"We are Teknopark Istanbul.
With our advanced technology we are Turkey's future,
and the Turkey of the future.
But just like an iceberg, there's a lot more here than can be seen.
Because this is where Türkiye's biggest national team hits the field every day.
Among the players of Türkiye's largest national team are
our over 9,000 employees and R&D engineers.
Ahead of them are Türkiye's most advanced technologies,
And behind them is the support of our 80 million people.
What's more, this match is being played every minute of every day.
From the pharmaceutical industry to the defense industry, from soilless agriculture to maritime,
We are the national team that produces the world's most advanced technologies.
We work night and day to be the pride of Türkiye.
Our team already has over 3,016 national projects that it's producing for our defense industry, from tanks to ships, and from rockets to unmanned aerial vehicles.
We've already graduated over 300 incubator companies through the advanced technologies we've developed.
As Türkiye's largest national team, we are growing with each passing day.
With our startup firms that are submitting new applications every month, we are a giant team that is growing and increasing every day.
Our national team includes high schools.
It includes universities.
It includes public agencies and private companies.
We are Teknopark Istanbul.
We are our homeland's local technology base and national pride.
We are Türkiye's largest national team. Teknopark Istanbul"

Türkiye's technology hub: Teknopark Istanbul

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